Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fun Pics from Youth Group 4/30

Last Week of the Baptism Series

This was the last week of the Baptism Series. This week Fred challenged us to live up to the calling that our Baptism has placed on us. He called us to live a out a ministry of reconciliation.
We explored several baptismal texts (Matt. 3-4; Gal. 3; 11 Cor. 5; I Cor. 12; II Peter 1) and reflected on their theological interpretations of baptism under the headings of Creation, Crisis (Sin), Covenant, Christ, Church, Calling, and Coming Reign of God. Hopefully you got a deeper sense of what is going on in the moments of baptism and how baptism has implications for the church's (and their own) present and future life in Christ. Because of our Baptism we are futures are changed. No longer are we living a life of selfish ambition but a life in Christ. The fallen life is dead and we are reborn into a life the lives for Jesus. This has huge implications on choices you make from day to day and even the large decisions of life.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baptism with Tracy Radosevic

This past Youth Group we had Tracy join us with her story telling expertise! She walked us through the Creation Story, John the Baptist and Jesus, and finally the story about the puddle fish. We were able to participate in the stories as well! We also wrote letters to send to Leslie at Rogers Memorial. If you did not get a chance to write to here make sure to talk to Jennings. Next week Fred will be back to conclude our Series on Baptism!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baptism: The Series Begins!

This past Sunday Fred Edie came and shared with us about Baptism. Very often we don't think much about how Baptism affects our lives as Christians. Through this Series we want to revisit Baptism and how it does just that. Fred began by helping us think more about how important water is to the human condition and also how Water was a main image in both the Old and New Testament. This led to the importance of how Water Baptism was used in the Christian Community to be a symbol of our sins being washed away and a sign of how we are reborn in through Christ. Because of this Water image we can see how we are connected to the Patriarchs, Hebrews, and Prophets of the Old Testament and the ministry of Jesus in the New. Next week Tracy will be stretching our experiences as we continue to talk about Baptism.

Monday, April 7, 2008

What to Expect when you come Expecting!

Last night we talked about Expectation. What do you expect when you come to youth group or to church on Sunday mornings? Do expect to sleep, to be entertained, to hang out with friends? Very often we forget the reason we come to church.
It is important to remember that our main reason for coming to church is to Worship our Savior!!!
In our discussion we said that coming to church planning to meet with Jesus completely changes our perspective on coming to church or youth group. It is good to come with an expectant heart that God is going to show up in a transforming way in your life. Also preparing your heart through a simple prayer like "Jesus will you show yourself to me" or "Lord I want to bless your name" before you even show up like in the car ride to church can help prepare our hearts to worship our savior. My prayer is that we all come to Youth group and church with expectancy in our hearts that Jesus will change us this day!