Saturday, June 28, 2008

Snag in the Trip

On the way home we ran into bus problems :-( But the youth were absolutely amazing with their patience and interactions as we tried to figure out the best course of action. We are so blessed as leaders to be able to serve the youth at Orange! Hopefully we will find ourselves arriving early in the morning. Night Night

The trip according to Reid...

The Boston Project was very productive.

Tommy on Boston trip...

The Boston Project really encouraged the need of help to the poor. The poor were the first ones that Jesus looked for and helped. So being Jesus' disciples, we should do what he did and praise him for it. That was basically what the focus was on this week. At the end, we did a "spontaneous service" in downtown Boston. This was when we split into groups and served in any way. I ended up talking to a poor man, Bob Smith, for about 20 minutes. He had been handing out tracts for 17 years and inspired me. I feel this mission trip has increased my knowledge of the poor, myself, and God in a great way.

Alana's Reflection of Boston...

Boston was amazing. I learned so much about showing the good news. Even the tinyest bit of news or service you give to someone makes their heart warm and joyful. Everyone had a positive and encouraging heart and attitude. Shopping in the marketplace an it pouring down rain while sitting in a covered walkway. The one thing I will always remember from this trip is that anyone no matter small or big is fruitful in God's eyes.

Reflections by Eric

I had a lot of fun going to Boston. I was having fun all the time with the fake gangs (aqua mice) and a learning experience. I am glad I went.

Friday, June 27, 2008

On the way home...

Today, after morning devo time, we said good bye to the Boston Project Staff and shared how God stretched and grew us this week. After closing we headed off to explore downtown Boston (and spend our remaining money). Tonight we are in Milford, CT and had a chance to share our experiences with the good people at Mary Taylor UMC. See you tomorrow night!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Spontaneous Service

Here we are doing random service in the Boston Commons. Youth helped and talked with the homeless, picked up trash and did othe acts to address acts of injustice in the city! They did it in groups without guidance from the adult leaders! It was amazing to watch!

Second Congregational Church

Here we are cleaning out the pews in the second oldest church in Dorchester! It is over 200 years old. We were cleaning the dust off that was left behind from renovations. In big city style, this church is used by three different congregations and as an urban campus for Gordon College.

Morning Devotions

Each morning this week we have had time for personal devotion time in Scripture and prayer!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We go to downtown for dinner!

Today many of us worked to beautify the neighborhood by painting a fence at a local cemetary. We had a lot of neighbors stop and say thank you as they were passing! We also went downtown to Quincy Market for dinner and spent time looking at the shops and on the Long Warf on the Boston Harbor.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Ugly" Quilts

Here we are making quilts to be handed out to the homeless around Boston this winter! We also wrote scripture on them.

At Cradles to Crayons

Today some us went to Cradles to Crayons. This organization accepts donations and only keeps the best to be given to kids in the area! Kids actually can make orders through and Cradles to Crayons will put together a package for them based on their order and mail it to them! While there we sorted through the donations and arranged them by size and gender. We also pulled out the unworthy donations.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Small Group Time at Night

Tonight at Night Life we went to different stations and talked about poverty in our world. We looked at the story of Jesus and the blind man with the spit and mud.

A Group @ the Boston Mission Project

Here is a small group of us at one of the outreach centers in Boston. We prepared and served two meals to over 50 people!

Morning Devotion and Challenge Time

Here we are getting ready for our day of service!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

We arrived!

We arrived in Boston safely! (only 30 mins late!) Tonight we had worship service time and divided into small groups. Tomorrow we start our service projects...