Thursday, August 28, 2008

God, School and Hard Times

Ahhh... School time, meeting teachers, buying supplies, having work to do. Oh wait I forgot I can't stand that. School certainly isn't my favorite place to spend my time but I have to do it anyway. School can be great for some people. It can be a place to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. School can be a terrible place for others. It can be a place where you are daily faced with challenges and the focal point of your stress. I know I face most of my hardest challenges of faith at school. Some people are even out to get you just because you believe in Jesus. I remember back when everyone did the youth Sunday and the topic was about staying with God even in hard times. This can be a very difficult thing to do. It makes since to say "Since I am a child of God, I should get preferential treatment".

Have you ever read the book of Job? Well either way Job was a man thousands of years ago that had a great life, huge property, much money, and his faith in God was great. So what happened next? He lost it all! His faith was shaken in God, and he was angry. He believed that he seemed to do nothing wrong that it was God's fault.

This is where we come back into play. As stated earlier, school can be a very tough place to be a Christian. No matter what goes on, you can't blame God for it because it will only make it worse. Everyone goes through hard times on Earth, no one gets a free pass. But, Jesus says clearly in the Bible that he will never put too much weight on you.You want to know what happened to Job? He realized what he was doing wrong and asked for forgiveness.

I know we have some problems in our lives but think about how great we really have it. The ability to have the basic necessities 24/7, go to great schools and have friends. I know everyone can have really hard times that challenge their faith, I have had them too. But we have to remember to never blame God for bad things and think that we have it worse than everyone.

Think about the things we complain about these days. We say we have too much work, and have it so hard. Still think you have it so bad? Ok, think about how much Jesus suffered. He died on the cross to forgive the sins of those who still wrong him today. Everyone goes through suffering, even He did. So let's remember how good we have it.