Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wednesday Night Talk

Last night we talked about how Christ uses our talents, tonight we talked about how Christ uses our weakness for His glory!!
2 Corinthians 12:9 says,

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."

The speaker here is Jesus and the listener is Paul.  This is where Paul is talking about the "thorn in his side" and this is the word Paul recieves from Christ on this weakness.

Here we see Christ using weaknesses to make His power perfect.  We then thought about and shared some of our weaknesses and talked about how Christ could uses them for His glory.  I was so blessed by how the discussion went!! Our youth are amazing in their understanding of Faith and there respect of each other.  Some of them shared some very personal stories of weakness and the rest of the young adults really looked like the church in their love and compassion for thier brothers and sisters who shared.  

We talked about how the church should be a place where we feel safe to be open and share our weaknesses and support each other.  Very often we try to act cool or prideful and don't share with others.  But God does some amazing things with our weakness!  When God uses us in our weakness there is no way we can say, "I did this."  We can only throw our hands in the air in worship to our Savior and say this was from God and to Him be all glory, honor and praise!  

Good night!  


A few artistic pics from today...

A Cherokee Miracle...

Mexican Meal Tuesday!!!

Tonight we were blessed with an awesome meal after a long days work!

More work pics...

Tuesday at the work site...

Amazing Breakfast




Monday, June 29, 2009

Tonight's Talk

Tonight we talked about our talents! We also talked about how we go about using our talents to glorify Christ. We spent some time thinking about what Talents God has blessed us with. Then we thought of ways that we could use those talents to glorify God.

We also spent some time looking at the NT:summer challenge. Lindsay D. asked about the meaning of the parable of the Tenants. Evan pointed out that Jesus was talking about how the Pharisees and teachers of the law had killed and abused many messengers and prophets from God and were about to kill God's Son. Jesus warns them through the parable that their "vineyard" was going to be taken from them and given to someone else. We will see this come to pass as we continue to read the New Testament this summer. This warning is good for us today because we are now the ones who are passing on Gods words and in ccharge of pointing people to His glory. We should constantly be doing a heart check and see what our motives are and how we are carrying out His commands and Love. As we think about living for God it is always good to check our motivation! Good night :-)

Free Time

Hanging out and catching up on the NT:summer challenge

Work Begins

A Grit!!!!

OUMC Youth

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Sorry posting was so late problem all fixed now :-)

OUMC Youth

Group Time

After Chapel we spent time with just Orange Youth! The theme for the week is "pray as you go" so we talked about prayer. Several of the youth shared their experience of prayer and talked about how they pray. Everything from posture to place and even how long we pray was shared. We then had a time to pray together in small groups.

Pray for us because tomorrow we begin our service!!! Good Night!

Chapel Time

Each night we have Chapel to reflect on the day and spend time worshipping Jesus...

OUMC Youth

Waiting on Jennings

We made it!

Stop for lunchfast!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mission trip almost here

Remember to start praying now!!!
