Sunday, March 2, 2008

Media and Seven Simple Questions

Last night we talked about how advertising affects our View of the World. (world view) Below is the
Simple Seven Questions that help us approach the Media with Wisdom and a Biblical World View.

Simple Seven Advertising Questions:

1.What product is this ad selling?

2.What, besides the product, does this ad sell? (ideas, lifestyle, worldview, behaviors, etc.)

3.What’s the bait, hook, and promise?

4.Complete this sentence: “This ad tells me, use ____________ (name of product) and ________________(the result the ad promises).

5. Does the ad tell the truth? What? How?

6.Does the ad tell a lie(s)? What? How?

7.How does this ad and its message agree or disagree with God’s truth and what does that mean for me?

- Walt Mueller

Now here are a few adds to practice these questions with...

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