Monday, September 22, 2008

Genesis Youth Group 9-21-08

Here is what we talked about last night in Genesis Youth Group!

Is God There?—Part 2: Justice

September 21st 2008

Review from Last Week


God is…

What about the Size of the Universe????

How would you respond to the comment:

“We shouldn’t consider ourselves too important to God because he made us so small and surrounded us with a universe so big.”

Romans 11:33-36

How do you respond to this verse? Circle One

Comfort Uneasy Other ______________

If God exists we expect Him to be Spiritual, Smart, & Strong.

Is Justice Real??


Line Cutting & Scenario in a Coffee Shop

Is this scenario unjust? What would an empiricist say? Can only speak to emotions – not good or evil but pleasant or unpleasant.

Unpleasant feelings are “often a thermometer for something deeper going on”

“the guy in the coffee shop didn’t insult me. He said nothing about me. My feelings were not hurt. Yet something has gone WRONG.”

Is justice just a feeling? Where does this justice come from?

Martin Luther King Jr.

Feelings vs. Justice

If we say racism is wrong then we must say there is justice and injustice in this world. There must be good and evil.

Justice is usually against society, and changes society ex: Jesus, MLK jr. etc.

Justice is closer than what we can detect with our senses (outside) it is something we can detect on our inside.

So where does this SENSE of Justice come from??????


A Justice Giver

We invented it- why would we expect it of others?

We Discovered it- ex: Cheating hurts others, corrupts society, and even makes us feel guilty. When we see someone else cheating we usually don’t think about how it would hurt society we just say that is wrong.

We expect those around us to live a certain way. We expect people not to take our save seats, we expect people

We expect people not to cut in line at lunch at school, we expect our friends not to gossip badly about us, we expect our girl friends or boy friends to be loyal to us and not cheat on us. We expect governments not to cause genocide and wipe out millions of people, we expect people to take care of the environment, on and on…

We expect it because we expect other people to have discovered the same justice that we have.

If there is a moral law that is pressing on everyone, then where does it come from?

Notes from Living with Questions by Dale Fincher

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