Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday Youth Group September 7th

If you missed youth group this past Sunday here are a few things we talked about...

Genesis Middle School...

Veracious Authority vs. Imperial Authority

Which Type of Authority would you be more likely to follow?

Which Type of Authority do you See God has in your Life?

How can what Holds Truth over your life Affect how you live?

Thrive High School...

We looked again at Hebrews in Chapter 7. We talked Jesus being the perfect sacrifice for our sins and how no other sacrifice before Jesus could atone for us. Sacrifices were always offered by imperfect priests from imperfect people. Ultimately we needed a perfect sacrifice to find attonement. This is found with a Priest that is "PERFECT in the order of Melchizedek"

We also looked at Genesis 15 and the Covenant that God originally "cut" with Abraham. This covenant is amazing because God (the king) not Abram (the servant) basically said if You Abram ever do not follow this covenant than let me be the one to be punished. God knew that we as humans could never follow a covenant so he put his own "life" on the line to back it up. In this light the sacrifice of Jesus is amazing!

If you missed this week you should ask some friends what you missed! It was a great topic.

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