Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday Night Youth Group September 14th!!!

Genesis MS Youth

Is God Religious?

Initial Thought… Yes No Maybe

What is your Darkness in your life?

Empiricism says that you the 5 senses is how you determine what is real

Do you think this empiricism is True to reality?

Yes No

God is
1) Not Bound by Place

2) Not Bound by Time

3) God is Spiritual

4) God is Stong & Smart

Do you feel like you have experienced God?


Do you think it is possible to prove God’s existence?

What questions do you have about the existence of God?

Thrive HS Youth Group

Hebrews 8

“A New Covenant”

Review of Genesis 15:17

Genesis 14:17-20

Melchizedek is a priest in a different order,

Not a priest because of descendant but a Priest by Character. In the same way Christ is a Priest for us.

“Different Order”

Jesus’ Character 7:22-28

Lives forever, permanent priesthood, vs. 26, vs. 27 Does not need to offer sacrifices,

Chapter 8

All of Chapter 7 author is explaining the type of Priest now for the Main Point

Do you know how you know it is the MAIN POINT?

“we do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by a mere human being.”

What was the point of a High Priest? What was there job?

To offer gifts and sacrifices

So Jesus as a High Priest also must have something to offer.

A Sacrifice of a Different Order

Vs. 1-2 A Tabernacle Set up by God Not by Man

EXAMPLE Building Project at Orange


Vs. 5-6

Jesus’ covenant is superior

Offers at a superior Sanctuary

Christ Serves in the True Sanctuary not a shadow of the True Sanctuary

Covenant with better promises

A prophecy of a DIFFERENT ORDER

Vs. 6- Leaves behind idea of priesthood, sanctuary and sacrifice for Mediator. History of the Bible and Covenant Lawsuit/Mediator form

vs. 8-12

Founded on Better promises Jeremiah 31:31-34

Why was a new Covenant Needed? Who was at Fault????

Who were to blame? – People


Jeremiah wrote during the time of the Babylonian Exile- Exile was the result of people’s rejection of God—Fault was found with the people at this point and a promise of a NEW covenant was necessary

From Jeremiah’s Promise we see that EVERYONE from the least to the greatest falling under this new covenant would know their God directly

Vs. 12 “FOR I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.”



Hebrews Chapters 9-10 Show us that Jesus Sacrifice achieves this

The need for Priesthood, Sacrifices, and a Sanctuary are now Removed and opens up every “race and culture to draw near to God through Jesus.”

The New Covenant is “obsolete” and will soon disappear.


So What?

Because of Jesus became a Perfect Priest of a Different Order and a Perfect Sacrifice of a Different Order we no longer need the Old Covenant of Sacrifice to atone for our Sins. Today we no longer see this.

Coincidence?? AD 70 end of the Sacrificial System. Jesus died in 33ish AD. Since the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 AD it has never been rebuilt nor have Sacrifices been brought back Despite the fact that most Jewish do not recognize Jesus as their savior???? How do you explain this phenomenon?

This New Covenant is now in effect and it can be seen in history!!!!!!!!!!

Because Jesus was a Priest of a Different Order we see the promise from Jeremiah coming about. Now we have access to God. He is in our Hearts and Minds!

We no longer need a sacrifice or a Priest to communicate with Him. Now we can talk to him at school or on the toilet or wherever! This is the most beautiful thing ever

We worship a living God.


Taylor said...

U rock!

Taylor said...
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